Procurement: Pure variety!

16 Jan 2024
In the Studydrive podcast "Career to Go", our colleague Büsra talks about her work at STRABAG BMTI, the mechanical engineering service provider of STRABAG SE. Find out what makes the job so exciting for her here.

Develop strategies and achieve the best prices

Büsra Özturgut is a purchaser at STRABAG BMTI. Negotiations, strategy development and procurement marketing are her daily business. She particularly enjoys negotiating with suppliers and exchanging ideas with different people in general.

Another one of Büsra's tasks in Purchasing: She develops the strategy for products with a value of less than 600 euros, so-called C-parts. To summarize, Büsra explains: "C-parts have a high procurement cost for a low value. We therefore try to reduce process costs in this area by optimizing the ordering process, for example." Due to the varied activities, every day looks different.

Büsra's top 5 tasks as a purchaser at STRABAG BMTI:
1. Negotiating framework conditions and prices
2. Strategy development for C-parts (products with a value of less than 600 euros)
3. Finding ways to make the work of colleagues easier in procurement
4. Identify and select new suppliers
5. Define the exact requirements


Podcast with Büsra

What is actually special about STRABAG BMTI? What personal talent does Büsra have as a purchaser? What entry and development opportunities are there? In this podcast episode you'll get a closer look. Have fun!

Listen to the podcast episode with Büsra here:

