Your career at STRABAG

A secure job today to shape your tomorrow. 

Want to know what entry-level opportunities await you at STRABAG, what the application process looks like and what to expect on your first day with us?  Here you can get an insight into how you can start your future with STRABAG. 

Your start at STRABAG

Whether it’s a career start, a career move, or an apprenticeship: with us, everyone gets the chance to make a real difference. Discover your entry opportunities at STRABAG. 

  • Your apprenticeship

    Your apprenticeship

    Start your career with an apprenticeship and find the perfect match for your skills with one of our wide range of apprenticeships across a range of disciplines and technical skills, up to and including Masters qualifications.  

    To the apprenticeship
  • The Graduate Programme

    The Graduate Programme

    If you have less than 12 month’s post graduation experience, you could apply for our graduate programme in one of several disciplines and join our 15 month graduate programme. Applications open every Autumn for a start in September the following year. 

    To the Graduate Programme
  • Your direct entry

    Your direct entry

    As an experienced professional, we offer you a wide range of entry opportunities. Whether you are professional for IT and digitilisation, want to advance in Construction or Project Management, or your heart beats for innovation and sustainability. 

    To the direct entry

Our application process

We want to get to know you! That's why we meet our applicants transparently and at eye level and show you here what our application process usually looks like. This way, you know what to expect in the next step before you send in your application and can prepare yourself accordingly.

1. Screening of the documents
You have applied. As soon as we have received your application, you will receive an automatic confirmation by e-mail. We will now carefully check whether your skills and experience match the desired job profile and hope to be able to send you a positive signal soon. We also check whether we have received all the information and documents we need for the pre-selection. If we are missing anything, we will contact you.

Attention: Our confirmation of receipt may not have made it through your spam filter. Please check all your email folders to see if you have already received a response from us.
2. Feedback on the application
It's our turn: In the next step, we will give you feedback by phone or e-mail.
3. First interview
That could be something: This is followed by an initial interview, either in person or digitally, in which we get to know each other. This will give you more information about the position and what makes us an employer. We also look forward to learning more about you, your professional career, your skills and your expectations.
4. Second interview
Let's be more specific: The first interview was positive? Then there is usually another conversation. This gives both sides a more comprehensive picture of each other and clarifies any questions that may have arisen after your first meeting with us.
5. Recruiting support measures
We want to be sure. Our recruiters ensure that both sides have a good basis for making an informed decision during the application process. We do this by carrying out a behavioural profile analysis*, pre-employment screenings** depending on the function, getting to know the team and the workplace, and much more.
6. Welcome to STRABAG SE
We are looking forward to meeting you! Finally, you will receive an offer from us and we will clarify the final details regarding your entry into STRABAG. In Germany, a works council hearing is required before you receive the final contract from us. Done, now you can start your career at STRABAG.
Progress starts with you!

*What is a behavioral profile analysis (VPA)?
The VPA is a supportive tool in the application process. It provides a comprehensive analysis of strengths in the workplace, fears, motivational factors and values. The analysis contains additional information on how people perform under pressure and in stressful situations.

**Find out exactly what the Pre-Employment Screening is here.

Colleagues talking in the background - one colleague sits in focus and looks into the camera

Everything about your start at STRABAG

It's great that we are building a better future together! To make sure that your career start goes as smoothly as possible, we will give you an overview of what you can expect after signing your employment contract. 

Before your first day

We stay in touch. We use the time between you signing the employment contract and your first day with us to welcome you and give you some key information. We know that changing jobs or starting a new career often involves a lot of emotions. That's why we want to offer you all the guidance and support you might need, so that your start with us is as smooth as possible. 

We will keep you up to date - and provide you with the meeting point and time for your first day with us, as well as your contact person on site or in the office. Before your first day, you can also find more information about STRABAG here on our careers page. We’ll take care of all your work equipment before you start with us. Whether it's a desk, laptop and access card, or PPE - we prepare everything so that you can start your new job at STRABAG straight away. 

On your first day

Here we go! On your first day, it is important for us that you get to know your team, which is always available to answer your questions. It's equally important that you meet with your line manager. We will also take you through a detailed induction, we want to make sure that you get the knowledge you need for your job with us. 
You’ll also find a detailed induction page on our intranet, STRANET, with further information and support for your first weeks at STRABAG. In addition, we also offer you interactively designed e-learnings with information on the history of the Group, occupational safety, compliance and other topics relevant to you.

Within your first month you will be invited to an induction call on TEAMS that will introduce you to STRABAG both locally and worldwide.

After the first few months at STRABAG

How do you feel? After your induction and the first few weeks at STRABAG, we would like to know how you are doing and whether you have settled in well with your tasks and your team. Shortly before the end of the probationary period, you will have an open feedback discussion with your manager and review the first few months.  In this way, we strive to create a working relationship that meets everyone’s needs.  

FAQs - frequently asked questions

Questions about the onboarding at STRABAG

Questions about the general application process